Train to Singapore #thisiscrazylove2016

​In November or 2014 I sat in the kitchen of some new friends in Singapore and listened to stories of a young Ken Rideout taking a train from Chiang Mai, Thailand to visit a small congregation of church members on a somewhat basis.

We had all just left Ken's hospital room where the congregation had surprised him with a bedside church service. There was laughter and tears as they sang, shared communion and listened as their tired teacher found energy to once again wax philosophically on what it meant to love as Jesus loves us.

Friends share of the early days with Ken Rideout.  

Friends share of the early days with Ken Rideout.  

Uncle Ken, as they called him, had been with them through difficult times as they redefined the calling of their church to seek after what they thought God would have them do in Singapore. One of the men in the group was full of life and humor as he recounted their adventures with Ken and I was on the edge of my seat.

Tiang Seng, among other strong and loving men, sat in a circle eating and talking about the good old days. His wit and concise understanding of scripture and its varying interpretations left me feeling that after Ken's passing there would be a powerful remnant of Rideout teachings for the ever changing world to come. For this reason today I give my #thisiscrazylove2016 who has impacted me many times over the last year as I've listened to his words from that beautiful night in Singapore.

Straw + Camel's Back #ThisIsCrazyLove2016