All tagged addition

Covid-19: The National Conversation

Right now the global conversation is on Covid-19. It’s what the old guard of marketing called top of mind awareness. My wife said the other day, “It feels like we’re in the first 15 minutes of a Hollywood blockbuster disaster movie like 2012 or World War Z.” The world is zeroed in on questions, solutions, causes and blame.

Stigma: How It All Started

I’m an alcoholic.

That’s one of the greatest sentences I have uttered out loud and I say it often in private meetings all around Nashville. The sentence keeps me grounded in my recovery. It reminds me of something important. It allows me to be open, to grow, and to learn and love.

And yet, until six months ago I never realized how high the horse was that I was riding while saying it. It took someone important to me to die for me to realize.