All tagged alcoholism

A Stab at Truth

I was a little late to the party. It was 2011. My wife and I went to see the film “Your Sister’s Sister” at The Belcourt here in Nashville. 

To this day I haven’t seen “Humpday.”

Probably gonna have to add that to the list now.”

I remember seeing “Your Sister’s Sister” thinking, how do you do that?

“Several 24 hours ago…”

We’ll get there. but first you have to have the context.

On a not so chilly December night I walked into my first meeting for people who feel powerless when it comes to the adult beverage.

The first person to speak to me was the wife of one of the “old-timers” in the meeting. She took one look at me and said, “... right in there,” as she pointed to a room to my right.

Stigma: How It All Started

I’m an alcoholic.

That’s one of the greatest sentences I have uttered out loud and I say it often in private meetings all around Nashville. The sentence keeps me grounded in my recovery. It reminds me of something important. It allows me to be open, to grow, and to learn and love.

And yet, until six months ago I never realized how high the horse was that I was riding while saying it. It took someone important to me to die for me to realize.