Searching for Similarities

TEN/28 is in the process of making two very different, important documentaries right now. We’ve talked a lot recently about the film on Stigma as we develop the full film and get ready to begin shooting in a couple of months. The other film hasn’t had much to report on as it is making it’s way through the long, slow process of editing. 

That second project is about the Murals of North Nashville exhibit at The Frist.

It occurred to me the other day there is a sort of crossover in these two films I noticed.


Warning: if you have been affected recently by the loss of someone to an overdose and especially if this is the first time that devastation has hit you there are a few scenes in this documentary that may be too much to handle at this point. 

It gets personal. 

I’ve been a member of a 12 step community for some time now. It’s a great benefit to my life and livelihood. Even with all the pain and joy and lessons and failures I’ve experienced in such an amazingly non-judgmental community I was still guilty of holding up a stigma against those whose struggles were different from my own.