Weight, there’s more

Right now, on August 3, 2022 there are four people on the Appalachian Trail intending to press through the entire trek in memory of Nate Loftis, “El Chapo” (The soul attainer of Natron status) and they are doing so with the help of https://www.onemoredayontheappalachiantrail.com which provides scholarships to selected applicants to get out there and find the missing pieces on the trail.

Apples and Origami... A Comparison Blog

In the height of my drinking career if I would stop at a moment’s notice, put it down and power through a few weeks of abstinence to prove I didn’t have a problem with alcohol I would succeed in my efforts. This would give me a false positive in my hillbilly makeshift scientific study of whether or not I had a problem with the “occasional adult beverage.”

Play the game, not the opponent

It’s been about 20 hours since our shoot last night with Jason Isbell and Dan Blom at Carter Vintage in Nashville, TN for our documentary Shame on Us: The Stigma of Addiction. In that time the same sentence has rolled around in my head non-stop.

I’m paraphrasing here because I haven’t “checked the tape” but basically Jason said at one point, I try to play the game not the opponent.