A life changed

A life changed

In December 2014 I met a man who helped change my life. I walked in to my very first 12 step meeting and it was obvious to this man I’ve never been in a place like this before. To steal a phrase often used by Robin Williams, I looked like a deer in front of a Peterbilt.

I sat down and he introduced himself as Brian. I’m sure he knew I’d never ventured into a place like this before. Looking back on that evening I would have never thought this person would be such a huge part of my life. Through his friendship I’ve gotten to know myself on a much deeper level. But, this blog isn’t actually about Brian… Well, it sort of is but not completely.

This blog is about Second Chance Sober Living. They are our primary partner organization as we work to make this film about Stigma relating to Substance Use Disorder. The people of Second Chance are doing the work of helping people help people. 

That’s the way Misty likes to put it and I think she’s right. “Helping people help people.” 

Second Chance started with a single house by a single guy who had a single purpose of staying sober. Today Second Chance Sober Living is 16 houses, with houses for men and houses for women and a community of people working together to make a new life. 

Brian has described the affectionately described the community at times as “the sick ward” and he does so with a smirk on his face. His intent isn’t to demean who they are but rather to recognize that we all come to this life with our illnesses, deficits and shortcomings. Second Chance Sober Living is a place where people, in vulnerability and action, learn to live through the pain and find peace in their recovery.

Larkspur Conservation at Taylor Hollow

Larkspur Conservation at Taylor Hollow

Honest Talk Continues

Honest Talk Continues