All tagged Nashville

“Several 24 hours ago…”

We’ll get there. but first you have to have the context.

On a not so chilly December night I walked into my first meeting for people who feel powerless when it comes to the adult beverage.

The first person to speak to me was the wife of one of the “old-timers” in the meeting. She took one look at me and said, “... right in there,” as she pointed to a room to my right.

In Development

In fact, the contractor or the tech start up is more in line with what we actually do than any of the above mentioned assumptions. It is true that there is a level of creativity and artistry we shoot for in our work but at the end of the day we are making a product to sell, plain and simple. That said, the deconstruction of what the product is and who the buyer is proves to be the most difficult part for people willing to chat with us longer than five minutes to understand. 

A life changed

In December 2014 I met a man who helped change my life. I walked in to my very first 12 step meeting and it was obvious to this man I’ve never been in a place like this before. To steal a phrase often used by Robin Williams, I looked like a deer in front of a Peterbilt.

Honest Talk Continues

I got honest earlier today on a call with a new but definitely lifelong friend. Her name is Cindy and she is A-MAZ-ING! 

As we build all the components of this documentary through research, conversation and interviews I am painfully aware of something I’ve heard a lot about but never really looked into for understanding.